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File extension Details of WSC, ASG, ARE, ARMY, XA, XFS, AM1, AIV, AHOD

File Type:Worms Armageddon scheme
Category:Game file
File Description:Game file used by Worms Armageddon.
Open Programs:

Worms Armageddon

Company / developer:
  Team17 Software Limited

ARMAGEDDON: The last battle between GOOD and EVIL on the day of judgement. WORMS: Sneaky little blighters with a bad attitude who couldn't care less about any day, let alone the last one!

Now, open a new can of Worms! It's the biggest, it's the best. And it's packed full of goodies (and baddies!) Whether it's Single Player, Multi-player or slithering across the Internet, Worms Armageddon includes a multitude of features and play modes. This is the peak of perfection in ultra-fun. THE BEST WORMS GAME EVER.

Worms Armageddon enhances the original award-winning gameplay with barmy new weapons, game-enhancing new features and much improved single and multi-player gaming modes. Expericence the worldwide IRC-style network WormNET, which makes playing online easier and more accessible.

File Type:Airport Tycoon saved game
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by Airport Tycoon.
Open Programs:

Airport Tycoon

Company / developer:
  Global Star Software

Airport Tycoon

An economic game of a great quality that imitates designing and management of an airline terminal.
You are entrusted to manage all the questions about international airport life. Start from choosing a ground area in 40 corners of the Earth. Make contracts with air carriers, restaurants networks, retail chains and hotels. Keep under control the service staff, provide security, build cafeteria, shops and other services. Start from scratch in your own campaign or play some scenario where you will be about to cope with delays, bad weather, overcrowded flights, traffics and even with aircraft crashes. And finally you will check if you have enough what it takes to appear the best in this business and to become a real Airport Tycoon.


  • Start building your empire. Choose from 40 diverse locations.
  • Excellent 3D graphics utilizing the Renderware 3D engine.
  • Dozens of challenging scenarios put your management skills to the ultimate challenge.
  • Watch changing seasons and changing weather
  • Advanced terminal management tools.
File Type:BioWare Aurora Engine area
Category:Game file
File Description:An ARE file contains static information about an Area. The Area properties that are stored in an ARE file cannot be modified via scripting.
Open Programs:

Neverwinter Nights

Company / developer:

Neverwinter Nights (NWN) is a computer game set in a huge medieval fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons. This role-playing game (RPG) puts you at the center of an epic tale of faith, war, and betrayal.
As a player, you are able to choose what skills and abilities you will develop as you voyage though the complex and dangerous fantasy world of Forgotten Realms. Be a deadly and dangerous Rogue moving through the shadows using stealth and secrecy, be a scholarly Wizard and wield powerful magic against your enemies, be a hulking Barbarian whose lust for battle is matched only by his terrible rage, be an armor-clad Paladin who protects the innocent and vanquishes his foes, be a crusading Cleric who heals the sick and defends the helpless… be all this and more.

Neverwinter Nights allows you to create your own worlds. This revolutionary game will come with all the tools needed to construct your own unique lands of adventure. The Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset allows even novice users to construct everything from a quiet, misty forest or a dripping cavern of foul evil, to a king’s court. All the monsters, items, set pieces and settings are there for world builders to use. But do not stop there; construct traps, encounters, custom monsters and magic items to make your adventure unique.

But the Neverwinter experience is not just for one person- adventure with all your friends. Neverwinter Nights can be played online with up to 64 friends, all sharing in the adventure. You can organize and run your own adventures through the role of the Dungeon Master and control all the monsters, creatures and characters your friends meet as they journey on their quest. A powerful piece of software that is included with Neverwinter Nights, the DM Client, allows nearly unlimited control for running your own adventures for your friends.

Neverwinter Nights…endless adventure!

File Type:Impossible Creatures collection of created creatures
Category:Game file
File Description:A real-time strategy game of combat and discovery, where imagination and experimentation are your biggest allies in a struggle against evil.
Open Programs:

Impossible Creatures

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Game Studios

Impossible Creatures

The year is 1937 and you are Rex Chance, renowned world adventurer and war correspondent. You have spent your life exploring the wilds of Africa, the ice shelves of Antarctica, and the sultry jungles of the Amazon. You’ve seen every beast on earth… or so you thought. You’ve just received word from your long lost father, scientist Dr. Eric Chanikov, who disappeared many years before. Suddenly, he now begs to see you. So you fly to the Isla Variatas in the South Pacific where he works in the employ of wealthy industrialist Upton Julius. But what begins as an innocent reunion quickly turns sour as you come face-to-face with the Sigma Technology.

What is the Sigma Technology? Imagine possessing the ability to combine any two animals into a single creature. Flying elephants, giant ants, amphibious sharks...anything you can conceive. The possibilities boggle the mind! What benefits might it bring? What evil might be wrought?


  • More than 50 animals that can be combined to create a vast number of mutant creatures.
  • Players can define their strategy and how they want to tackle their opponents.
  • The highly detailed, fully 3-D dynamic world.
  • Players command dozens of creatures, and henchmen in 15 missions across 14 distinct islands.
  • Impossible Creatures offers boundless creature combinations, armies, and strategies as well as online play and an easy-to-use mission editor that provides limitless play options.
  • Multiple players can engage in unprecedented, intense gameplay.
File Type:The Sims extensive audio
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by The Sims and another Electronic Arts computer games.
Open Programs:

The Sims

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

The Sims

The Sims is about creating, managing, and controlling the lives of tiny computerized people who dwell in miniature homes. The game's excellent music and sound effects, detailed scenery, cleverly animated characters, and equally clever writing go a long way toward fulfilling this intriguing premise. Yet though you can exercise a considerable amount of control over your sims' behavior and lifestyles, The Sims' actual gameplay is rather limited in some respects - either by odd inconsistencies or by actual restrictions placed on your actions. But to the game's credit, the most objectionable thing about these occasional limits is how starkly they contrast with the otherwise tremendous freedom you have to lead your sims' lives.

File Type:Gunbound file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Gunbound. Game file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

We invite you to the world of Gunbound, which takes place in Planet "Lond" and its 8 moons. Gunbound means "The infinite war between each unique mobile and its riders" In Lond 16 unique mobiles are available. Each of these mobile is processed in different environment and therefore, it has its own unique character no other mobile possesses. With our experience and history of making turn-based shooting game, players will find themselves in middle of intense battle between mobiles. New weaponry and strategies await you!

The surrounding environment set in Gunbound dynamically changes according to the "Moon Disk." Pay attention to the Moon Disk as it changes every other turn. Gunbound forbids simple game play.

Feel the freedom of your game play within your turn. Take a cover behind debris! Avoid your enemy missiles! Inflict damage to your enemy mobile! The precise damage-meter is only one of the amazing features provided from Gunbound.

Players will participate in battle after wearing their own avatars and choosing the mobile they want. Players will be rewarded at the end of the battle. Winners will receive their reward and with the reward the players will purchase an avatar item(s) of their choice which will benefit in future battles.

Player's objective is to excite the audiences that are watching the battle with his or her amazing skills and beautiful avatars. The player will receive special rewards if the audiences are pleased. Of course displaying bad manners in the battlefield will get you negative feedbacks and you will be booed off by the crowd. Keep it in your mind that your skills and avatars are directly connected to the amount of reward you receive at the end of the game.

File Type:Adventure Maker project file
Category:Game file
File Description:File created and used by Adventure Maker.
Open Programs:

Adventure Maker

Company / developer:
  Giovanni Albani

Adventure Maker

Adventure Maker is a free innovative toolkit to create point-and-click games and multimedia software in minutes, without any scripting or programming. It runs on Windows, and it allows creating software for Windows, PSP, iPhone, and iPod touch.
Adventure Maker is extremely easy to use.

Adventure Maker is particularly suitable for the creation of:

  • picture-based adventure games,
  • virtual tours,
  • educational software,
  • presentations,
  • and interactive visits.

The Adventure Maker package contains an icon editor, a music composer, an innovative program for drawing, a program for batch resizing and compressing pictures, and more. The package also includes sample games, tutorials, and language presets for easily creating games in other languages (English, Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Spanish).

File Type:Stronghold Crusader computer player AI
Category:Game file
File Description:Stronghold combines the finest aspects from a City Builder and a Real-Time Strategy game.
Open Programs:

Stronghold Crusader

Company / developer:
  Firefly Studios Ltd.

Stronghold Crusader

Lead a determined group of crusaders, forged by centuries of barbaric conflicts, or wage war against a powerful foreign invader amidst the haze of the desert heat.


  • Relive the heroic battles of the historic Crusades.
  • Experience ruthless medieval combat in hostile lands.
  • Battle fierce rival lords during intense Crusader Skirmish play.
  • Master the tactics of the desert.
  • Take up the challenge of the Skirmish trail.
  • Fight online with up to 8 friends.
  • Name:AHOD
    File Type:Homeworld
    Category:Game file
    File Description:File extension AHOD is related to Homeworld PC game.
    Open Programs:


    Company / developer:
      Sierra Entertainment, Inc.


    In Homeworld, the inhabitants of a forsaken planet discovered an ancient tablet that revealed their true origins and launched them on a perilous voyage to their ancestral home, the far-distant world of Hiigara. After building a massive Mothership and taking aboard thousands of colonists they set forth with high hopes, little realizing the dangers that awaited in their journey across the galaxy.
    After apocalyptic battles and grievous loss of life, they finally reached Hiigara, the homeworld of their forebears, and reclaimed their birthright.

    There are some new features in the next version:

    • totally new 3D engine generates breathtaking graphics of deep space and amazingly detailed spacecraft;
    • streamlined interface lets players control the whole game with a few mouse clicks;
    • a stunning deep-space environment of giant asteroids, massive derelicts, gas clouds, and nebulae light years across;
    • all-new fleets, each with unique capabilities and spacecraft, for different styles of play;
    • multiplayer mode accommodates 6 players via LAN, network or internet connections.
    File Type:Age of Empires III
    Category:Game file
    File Description:This file contains a scenario of Age of Empires III.
    Open Programs:

    Age of Empires III

    Company / developer:
      Microsoft Corporation

    Age of Empires III

    It's the dawn of a new age in real-time strategy (RTS) games. A brave New World is rising – a hostile yet beautiful world, filled with innovative gameplay, new strategic scenarios, eye-searing graphics and much more.
    Players have access to their own European Home City for economic, technological and military support. Your Home City's success depends on you, with your city's improvements retained between games.

    Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

    **SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC